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Data classes for storing device and acquisition data.

AcquisitionData dataclass

Data class for storing the complete acquisition result, including IMU samples, device information, and acquisition configuration.


  • samples (list[IMUSample]) –

    List of IMU samples.

  • device (DeviceInfo) –

    Device information.

  • config (Config) –

    Acquisition configuration.

  • start_time (datetime) –

    Start time of the acquisition.

  • skipped_samples (int) –

    Number of skipped samples due to acquisition issues.

  • csv_path (Optional[str]) –

    Path to the CSV file containing the data. Used if the data was loaded from a file.

  • duration (float) –

    Duration of the acquisition in seconds.

  • num_samples (int) –

    Number of samples in the acquisition.

  • integrity (bool) –

    Whether the acquisition has integrity (no skipped samples).


  • to_csv

    Write the data to a CSV file.

  • from_csv

    Load the data from a CSV file.

from_csv(path) classmethod

Load the data from a CSV file.


  • path (str) –

    Path to the CSV file.



  • ValueError

    If an error occurs while parsing the CSV file.


Write the data to a CSV file.


  • filename (str) –

    Path to the CSV file.


Bases: Enum

Base class for configuration enums. Each member has two elements: an index and a parameter value. Parameter value can be either an integer or a float.


  • index (int) –

    Index of the member.

  • param_value (Union[float, int]) –

    Parameter value of the member.


  • from_index

    Return member with specified index.

  • from_param_value

    Return member with specified parameter value.

  • find_closest

    Return member with parameter value closest to specified value.

find_closest(value) classmethod

Return member with parameter value closest to specified value.

from_index(index) classmethod

Return member with specified index.

from_param_value(value, tolerance=1e-05) classmethod

Return member with specified parameter value.

IMUSample dataclass

Data class for storing a single IMU sample.


  • count (int) –

    Sample count.

  • acc_x (float) –

    Accelerometer X value.

  • acc_y (float) –

    Accelerometer Y value.

  • acc_z (float) –

    Accelerometer Z value.

  • gyro_x (float) –

    Gyroscope X value.

  • gyro_y (float) –

    Gyroscope Y value.

  • gyro_z (float) –

    Gyroscope Z value.