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CLI Reference


picoquake [-h] [-v] [--verbose] [--debug] {acquire,display,list,test,plot_psd,plot} ...

Global Options

  • -v, --version: Show the version of the CLI.
  • --debug: Set log level to debug.
  • --verbose: Print log messages to console.



Acquire data from a PicoQuake device.

picoquake acquire [-h] [-s SECONDS] [-r SAMPLE_RATE] [-f FILTER] [-ar ACC_RANGE] [-gr GYRO_RANGE] [-a] [-y] short_id out
  • short_id: The 4 character ID of the device. Found on the label.
  • out: The output CSV file.
  • -s, --seconds: Duration of the acquisition in seconds (default: 2.0).
  • -r, --sample_rate: Sample rate in Hz. Range 12.5 - 4000 Hz. Closest available selected (default: 200.0).
  • -f, --filter: Filter frequency in Hz. Range 42 - 3979 Hz. Closest available selected (default: 42.0).
  • -ar, --acc_range: Acceleration range in g. Range 2 - 16 g. Closest available selected (default: 2.0).
  • -gr, --gyro_range: Gyro range in dps. Range 15.625 - 2000 dps. Closest available selected (default: 250.0).
  • -a, --autostart: Start acquisition without user confirmation.
  • -y, --yes: Skip overwrite prompt.


Display live data from a device.

picoquake display [-h] [-i INTERVAL] short_id
  • short_id: The 4 character ID of the device. Found on the label.
  • -i, --interval: Interval between samples in seconds. Range 0.1 - 10 s (default: 1.0).


List connected PicoQuake devices.

picoquake list [-h] [-a]
  • -a, --all: List all serial ports.


Display device information.

picoquake info [-h] short_id
  • short_id: The 4 character ID of the device. Found on the label.


Test device.

picoquake test [-h] short_id
  • short_id: The 4 character ID of the device. Found on the label.


Put device in BOOTSEL mode.

picoquake bootsel [-h] short_id
  • short_id: The 4 character ID of the device. Found on the label.


Plot acquired data (time series).

picoquake plot [-h] [-a AXIS] [--tstart TSTART] [--tend TEND] [--title TITLE] csv_path output
  • csv_path: The CSV file containing the acquired data.
  • output: The output file to save the plot to. '.' to save next to the data file.
  • -a, --axis: Axis to plot, must be 'x', 'y', 'z', or a combination (default: xyz).
  • --tstart: Start time of the plot (default: 0.0).
  • --tend: End time of the plot (default: None).
  • --title: Title of the plot (default: None).


Plot Power Spectral Density of acquired data.

picoquake plot_psd [-h] [-a AXIS] [--fmin FMIN] [--fmax FMAX] [--peaks] [--title TITLE] csv_path output
  • csv_path: The CSV file containing the acquired data.
  • output: The output file to save the plot to. '.' to save next to the data file.
  • -a, --axis: Axis to plot, must be 'x', 'y', 'z', or a combination (default: xyz).
  • --fmin: Minimum frequency to plot (default: 0.0).
  • --fmax: Maximum frequency to plot (default: 1000.0).
  • --peaks: Annotate peaks on the plot.
  • --title: Title of the plot (default: None).


Plot Fast Fourier Transform of acquired data.

picoquake plot_fft [-h] [-a AXIS] [--fmin FMIN] [--fmax FMAX] [--peaks] [--title TITLE] csv_path output
  • csv_path: The CSV file containing the acquired data.
  • output: The output file to save the plot to. '.' to save next to the data file.
  • -a, --axis: Axis to plot, must be 'x', 'y', 'z', or a combination (default: xyz).
  • --fmin: Minimum frequency to plot (default: 0.0).
  • --fmax: Maximum frequency to plot (default: 1000.0).
  • --peaks: Annotate peaks on the plot.
  • --title: Title of the plot (default: None).